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Can I be an Only Child Now?

Mia Lyttle Twysted

Do you know that feeling when contemplating if knifing your sibling in the yard is worth the prison time? Would how good it feels measure up to the shit you'd have to put up with? Only about half of you? I feel ya! Only children will never know the complexities of having a brother or sister. Siblings are your first friends, confidants, and partners in crime. They are also the first bully, tormentors, and nemesis one knows. Growing up, you struggle to compromise with these creatures that always seem to want the opposite of what you want and put obstacles in your path at every turn. You share dirty glares and hateful words. Then, when you can't control the irritation anymore, you physically lash out. You wound, scar, and make them cry, and it feels good, at least until you're doing the time for committing the crime.


I prayed for the annihilation of my brother growing up. I prayed because I couldn't make it happen myself. From first-hand experience, the Figure Four, Clothes Line, and Pile Driver are pretty painful when applied by someone not faking it for the audience. One would think I would hate the sport of wrestling after being my brother's test dummy. But I came to love a place where you could just beat the shit out of someone and then go about your day. This crappy shit that passes for wrestling today is pathetic. I would dream of being cheered on in the ring as I beat my brother to a pulp. Me tossing him around for a change. How satisfying to feel that power.


You don't come out knowing how to control your rage and anger. Some learn in a cage fight with the cellmate who lives across the hall. You start the day with morning glares, pick and nip at each other till you are in a screaming match. Then the next thing you know, you're slapping and punching, involved in a full-blown war that ends with, "Oh shit, we better clean this up, or we're both dead." The stories your parents find out when you're older. You're an adult; tell them before they die. It's not like they can give you a time-out or take away your game system now. Explain to them over dinner how it calmed you to imagine stabbing your sibling at the kitchen table just before you sat down to breakfast. There's no harm in it now; everyone should be thankful you didn't do it.


Disagreements with your siblings don't end just because you all grew up and got 5% wiser. I know that by watching my husband and his sister, who have gotten into more than one fistfight after both becoming parents. No one called the cops cause snitches really do get stitches. Siblings tend to be able to push buttons no one else can. And there isn't one brother or sister who hasn't thought of stabbing their sibling with a knife just to prove a point.

It would feel nice there, in the moment, before being hauled off to prison, to know you are the last one standing. Our siblings can take us back to that blind rage we had as children. Spending all those years with them and putting in your time might make it feel good to end that struggle.


They don't come back from the dead. At least not the way you want them to. Maybe you could settle for a little pushing and shoving while your mother beats you both with a rolled-up magazine as the neighbors laugh at you and post it for the whole world to see.


Another Twysted Thought from Mia Lyttle Twysted

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